Recommendations For Upgrade AES/EBU Digital cable up to $500

Hello to all:

I am currently using a Neotech NEDI-4001AES/EBU cable between my transport and DAC (Schiit URD and Denafrips Pontus II 12th).  The cable is all cryo treated (including the connectors), and sounds basically good.  Lately I have begun to wonder about other AES cables that would upgrade my sound. I am looking for something that would increase transparency, resolution, and soundstaging, as well as being musical, balanced, and a bit on the warm side, and avoiding an analytical sound signature. I want to stay at around $500 or less, and deal with a company that accepts returns.  Does anyone have some recommendations as to an upgrade cable, and why you would recommend it. Thanks in advance!




Showing 1 response by carlsbad2

I use this one between my grimm and my lampi. Love it. Don’t even think about any digital cable that isn’t at least silver plated.

Price is in $can so it is pretty close to your price range with the strong dollar.!/Signature-SE-Silver-AES-EBU-XLR-Digital-Cable/p/559064559