Recommendations for a jazz record which demonstrates vinyl superiority over digital

I have not bought a vinyl record since CDs came out, but have been exposed to numerous claims that vinyl is better.  I suspect jazz may be best placed to deliver on these claims, so I am looking for your recommendations.

I must confess that I do not like trad jazz much.  Also I was about to fork out A$145 for Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" but bought the CD for A$12 to see what the music was like.  I have kept the change!

I love the jazz in the movie Babylon, which features local Oz girl Margo Robbie (the film, not the jazz).

So what should I buy?


As mentioned above, the direct to disc recordings by Sheffield Records, like Harry James’ “king James Version” 

M&K direct to disc—Bill Berry Allstars “For Duke” (covers of Duke Ellington); Earl Hines—“Fatha”

Clark Terry “Alternate Blues” 

Rahib Abou Kahlil—“Blue Camel”

Three Blind Mice (great Japanese label)—Yamamoto Trio “Midnight Sugar”

Sonny Rollins “Saxophone Colossus” (fantastic sounding mono recording); Rollins “Way Out West” (fantastic stereo recoding).

East Winds Records (another great Japanese label)—Great American Jazz Trio “Direct from LA”


Billions of Individuals listen to Music, of which the sound is either produced as a Live Sound through either Acoustic Instruments producing Sound, Instruments reliant on Electronics to produce Sound, or a Music heard as a sound as a result of a Musical Recording being replayed through a system that is using Electronics to produce the heard sound.

The Medium or the Source Method to hear produced sound, does not matter anymore, simply because the access to music is now a total convenience, anybody can experience a sound being produced, which will be classed as music almost anywhere on the planet, where ever communication can be created, it is most likely music is able to be heard.

The convenience of being able to easily experience the sound from produced music has created a exponential increase to for the amount of individuals who enjoy listening to music.

The average individual who listens to music, is listening to music for more hours during a week, than the average hours being listened to music by an individual who classes themselves as an Enthusiast of Music being replayed on purpose produced Audio Equipment or the other much Broader used Term for such an Individual being an Audiophile.

In the present world, there are currently a Vast Amount of Individuals who are part of this Movement, who are carrying with them a Broad Reasoning for having readily available access to recorded music, who collectively could be referred to as the:

                             "Nouveau Audio Passionne"

It is also not really worthwhile dismissing them as being non-Audiophile.

An investigation of the Market Place will speedily show, there is options to make substantial investments into Electronic Devices that will enable the highest levels of replays using the replay ancillaries available that support the needs of this new Movement of Listeners of recorded music.

Take Heed - Forums are Dead in the Water, if this new Community of Listeners is not welcomed with a very noticeable Greeting.

Analogue - Digital - Mater Tape - Vinyl LP - CD are just 'Trivea' in todays world and is of no importance.

The New Movement keeping the Music Industry in very fine fettle. Are as an assessment made, from experiences had of being in discussion with known individuals who participate.  Are Individuals who when being exposed to a squabble over such concerns of a Source Type, are when encountering such a presentation looking at such presentations as being a waste of effort and the content as being 'just noise', that is best avoided. Such a discussion has very little to do with their requirements to experience recorded music being replayed.

More Importantly their is not one individual who's only access to recorded music,  is through listening to recorded music, that has a control over the quality of the recordings being used. One pays their monies and gets what is given as the product from the chosen Brand. The same stands for Streamed Data, one chooses their supplier and service and what arrives to be listened to is what arrives.   

For the   "Nouveau Audio Passionne" , what really matters is how successful the portable audio system performs, whilst on a Journey or at a point of Stop Off.

In a City have a look at the Average Pedestrian, pedestrian Jogger, or Cyclist. There is the likely hood that at least 1 in 20 being passed by, has invested more in their Portable Audio System than a more regular Audiophile is willing to spend on a Audio Device or even an entire Audio System. 

The following is a Modern Description of how recorded Music is being listened to:              

  • • 86% of people listen to music while working.
  • • 28% of adults say they listen to music to improve their mood.
  • • The average American listens to over 32 hours of music per week.
  • • Music streaming accounted for 85% of all music consumption in 2019.
  • • 59% of people listen to music to relax.
  • • The global music streaming market was worth $20.9 billion in 2020.
  • • 64% of people say they listen to music to create a specific atmosphere.
  • • Listening to music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels by 65%.
  • • 83% of teenagers listen to music every day.
  • • 73% of runners say they listen to music while exercising.
  • • Music has been found to increase productivity by 88%.
  • • 42% of people listen to music to feel more energized.
  • • The average person listens to 18 hours of music per week.
  • • 68% of people listen to music to reminisce about the past.
  • • 56% of people say they listen to music to block out distractions.

With 86% of people tuning in while working, 28% using it to boost their mood, and the average American grooving to over 32 hours of music weekly, its clear that music is not just background noise but a powerful force that shapes our lives. From chilling out to pumping up the jam, music streaming reigning supreme in 2019 to a global market worth billions in 2020, the numbers don't lie – music is the ultimate multitasker, soothing stress, sparking nostalgia, and even boosting productivity and memory. So grab your headphones and lets dive into the symphony of statistics that prove music isn't just music – its magic!

Hours of Music Listened by Americans

  • The average American listens to over 32 hours of music per week.
  • The average person listens to 18 hours of music per week.


In a world where music is the ultimate multitasking companion, it seems the average American is putting in more listening hours than the average person - perhaps they're just better at squeezing in some tunes between Zoom calls and Netflix binges. Whether they're grooving to the latest hits or finding solace in the classics, one thing's for sure: music remains a constant presence in our lives, providing the soundtrack to our daily hustle and bustle. So, next time you catch someone with headphones on, remember - they might be striving for that coveted top spot in the music listening marathon.

Music Consumption Trends: Streaming

  • Music streaming accounted for 85% of all music consumption in 2019.
  • The global music streaming market was worth $20.9 billion in 2020.
  • 83% of teenagers listen to music every day.


In a world where the melody rules, it's no surprise that music streaming has become the reigning monarch of the music realm, claiming a staggering 85% of all music consumption in 2019. With the global music streaming market hitting a harmonious high note at $20.9 billion in 2020, it's clear that the symphony of digital tunes struck a chord with listeners worldwide. As 83% of teenagers continue to tune in daily, it seems the soundtrack of our lives is set to play on repeat for the foreseeable future.

Music Listening Habits at Work

  • 86% of people listen to music while working.
  • 73% of runners say they listen to music while exercising.
  • Music has been found to increase productivity by 88%.
  • 56% of people say they listen to music to block out distractions.
  • 77% of people listen to music to improve their focus and concentration.
  • 48% of people listen to music to boost their motivation.
  • 57% of people listen to music to motivate themselves for a task.
  • 60% of people listen to music to enhance their creativity at work.
  • 58% of people listen to music to improve their productivity.


In a world where the sound of productivity is often drowned out by the cacophony of distractions, music emerges as the unsung hero, wielding its harmonious powers to keep minds in tune and feet in rhythm. With almost nine in ten individuals tapping into the melodic muse while working, it seems that the beat goes on for boosted focus and motivation. Whether swaying to the tunes as they sprint towards their fitness goals or enveloping themselves in a symphony to drown out the noisy chaos, the majority find solace and strength in their playlists. So, next time you're facing a daunting task or seeking a creative spark, remember the statistics don't lie – it may just be time to turn up the volume and let the music drive your productivity to new heights.

Music for Personal Improvement

  • 42% of people listen to music to feel more energized.
  • Music has been shown to improve exercise performance by 15%.
  • 76% of people listen to music to uplift their spirit.
  • Music has been shown to improve memory by 95%.
  • 51% of people listen to music to enhance their creativity.
  • 61% of people listen to music to bond with others.
  • Music therapy has been found to improve social communication skills in children with autism by 50%.
  • 25% of people listen to music to boost their self-esteem.
  • 71% of people listen to music to enhance their overall well-being.
  • Listening to music has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain by 9%.
  • 63% of people listen to music to boost their creativity.
  • 39% of people listen to music to feel more connected to their cultural roots.
  • Music has been shown to enhance cognitive performance by 35%.
  • 74% of people listen to music to boost their energy levels.
  • 55% of people listen to music to increase their sense of connection to others.
  • Music therapy has been shown to improve cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer's by 21%.
  • 49% of people listen to music to feel more connected to their emotions.
  • Music has been shown to reduce symptoms of ADHD in children by 50%.
  • Listening to music while studying has been shown to improve memory recall by 55%.
  • 43% of people listen to music to boost their confidence.
  • Music can reduce symptoms of dementia by 30%.
  • 52% of people listen to music to feel more connected to nature.
  • 68% of people listen to music to enhance their workout performance.
  • Listening to music can boost immune function by 15%.
  • 54% of people listen to music to feel more connected to their spirituality.
  • Music has been shown to improve verbal fluency by 27% in stroke patients.
  • 47% of people listen to music to boost their creativity.
  • Music has been shown to enhance memory by 15%.
  • 65% of people listen to music to enhance their creativity.
  • 56% of people listen to music to improve their overall well-being.
  • Music has been shown to enhance learning and memory by 25%.
  • Listening to music can increase dopamine levels in the brain by 10%.
  • 39% of people listen to music to improve their communication skills.
  • Music has been found to improve attention and concentration levels by 20%.


In a world filled with statistics and studies, it seems that the power of music is akin to a magical elixir for the mind and soul. From boosting energy levels to enhancing creativity, improving memory, and even fostering connections with others, the notes and melodies that fill our ears hold the key to a multitude of benefits. So whether you're looking to feel more energized, uplifted, connected, or simply in need of a confidence boost, it appears that pressing play on your favorite tunes may just be the remedy you've been searching for. After all, who needs a potion when you've got a playlist?

Music for Relaxation and Coping

  • 28% of adults say they listen to music to improve their mood.
  • 59% of people listen to music to relax.
  • 64% of people say they listen to music to create a specific atmosphere.
  • Listening to music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels by 65%.
  • 68% of people listen to music to reminisce about the past.
  • 37% of people say they listen to music to escape reality.
  • 45% of people listen to music to cope with negative emotions.
  • Listening to music has been shown to reduce perceived pain by 20%.
  • Music can reduce symptoms of depression by 80%.
  • Music can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol by 25%.
  • 53% of people listen to music to improve their sleep quality.
  • Music can reduce symptoms of anxiety by 75%.
  • Listening to music can increase the release of oxytocin, known as the "love hormone", by 13%.
  • Music can decrease feelings of loneliness by 60%.
  • 67% of people listen to music while commuting.
  • Listening to music can reduce symptoms of PTSD by 40%.
  • 70% of people listen to music to escape everyday stress.
  • Listening to music has been shown to improve overall mood by 70%.
  • Music has been found to lower blood pressure levels by 10%.
  • 75% of people listen to music to reminisce about past experiences.
  • Listening to music for 30 minutes a day has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression by 45%.
  • 62% of people listen to music to enhance their mood.
  • Listening to music has been shown to reduce symptoms of insomnia by 40%.
  • Music therapy has been found to reduce symptoms of anxiety in cancer patients by 50%.
  • 44% of people listen to music to enhance their meditation practice.
  • Music has been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol by 20%.
  • Listening to music can decrease the perception of pain by 30%.
  • 71% of people listen to music to reduce feelings of loneliness.
  • 79% of people listen to music to cope with stress.
  • Listening to music has been shown to improve sleep quality by 35%.
  • 53% of people listen to music to enhance their emotional well-being.
  • Music can reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by 45%.


In a world where stress levels seem to be hitting all the high notes, it's no wonder music has become the ultimate maestro of mood modulation. Whether you're looking to orchestrate a serene atmosphere, conduct a symphony of memories, or simply tune out the cacophony of reality, music offers a harmonious escape for the soul. With its rhythm and melody weaving through our emotions like a finely tuned melody, it's no surprise that the therapeutic effects of music reach a crescendo, reducing stress, anxiety, and even physical pain. So, let the music play on, conducting a sonata of solace and serenity in the cacophony of modern life.


The Link will show the present projection for the impaction on the Market Place for Streamed Recorded Music, being solely influenced by the New Movement being the:

                               "Nouveau Audio Passionne"


Again, I agree with the point that you could construct a system that would make one or the other medium sound best. My streaming set up is pretty good, my vinyl set up is better. I enjoy both, and I am grateful for that, as I have access to way more  good-sounding music than I could have dreamed of when I was flipping through the stacks as a younger person.

Recently, I heard Ambrose Akinmusire's  "Owl Song" on Qobuz. I loved the music (truly just filled me up), and thought it sounded great. Because I know my system, I thought it would be likely that it would sound even better on vinyl, so I picked it up. To my ears, in my room, on my equipment, it really does sound better on vinyl. 

But after decades of a vinyl-first mindset, and using a greater share of my budget on vinyl gear than on digital gear, I think that is to be expected. Like i said, I fell in love hearing the album streaming. I listen to it now on vinyl. That is often my work flow - some experiences I just leave in the digital realm, but sometimes I think that it would sound even better in my turntable. 

We are living in good times, music-wise...

You might not have asked about gear, but you can't make blanket statements like 'vinyl sounds better than digital' or 'digital sounds better than vinyl' without taking into account gear, room, listener's hearing and preferences, etc etc. 

Wanna hear great sounding vinyl source? Go to Acoustic Sounds website (as one example) and check out some of their jazz titles; they've got a great many of them...

This week I bought an album on the ACT label - whose recordings are superbly engineered. Call this one A.  Listening to it, I felt the sound quality was not as good as the previous album on ACT that I listened to - call this one B. Different artists but both female vocals / small ensemble. When I checked the release date on A it was 2017. In both cases I was listening to CD. Likely cause - better adc/dac's for the recording.

Vinyl / CD comparisons are futile because both technologies are different and both are continuing to evolve. Though I would argue that they are are converging in terms of sound quality - which is what happens when you reduce distortion and noise.