Recommendation Tube Integrated

At this juncture (nearly 2024) what are folks' best recommendagtion for a tube integrated amp.  Constraints would be $10K (preferrably $5K or less), at least 35 watts per channel.  New or used.  Goal would be smooth, creamy sound.  My current system, which I would consider very good solid state sound, can still be a little ...hard.... to my sensitive ears at times, and I'm thinking a tube option would be nice.  Thanks.


Showing 1 response by vthokie83

Only recommendation I have actually heard in a system I know, Decware Zen ZMA and I think a ZTPRE preamp.....paired with Tannoy speakers, and Furutech DIY cables. Truly an incredible set up....though a new purchase could be a two year wait for the product to be manufactured. It could however be customized to your preference (wooden case, knobs, upgraded caps, etc.)

I know it's not an integrated, and with the cables is about $11,000....but for me would be an "end game" purchase