Recommendation Tube Integrated

At this juncture (nearly 2024) what are folks' best recommendagtion for a tube integrated amp.  Constraints would be $10K (preferrably $5K or less), at least 35 watts per channel.  New or used.  Goal would be smooth, creamy sound.  My current system, which I would consider very good solid state sound, can still be a little ...hard.... to my sensitive ears at times, and I'm thinking a tube option would be nice.  Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by jacobsdad2000

Quicksilver or Decware would be on the top of my list at $5K or less. Also consider Octave. Unison Research. I have had a couple of McIntosh Tube integrated and they did not stay for more than a minute. Just not to my liking.   


The only thing in common with the PL is that the Cayin is built on and in the same contract production lines and factory. PL is a European design and is built to a higher standard using higher quality components than the Cayin. Labor is the only parallel to be drawn here.