recommendation for volt ohm meter

I need to acquire a volt ohm meter to bias a tube amp. The range I need is between 75 & 100 mA. Where & what should I buy? (digital, analog?) I have a Radio Shack in town, would something from there be accurate enough & how much do I have to spend to get something decent?

Thanks for any recommendations.
If you have a local hi-fi shop and want to save some money they should be able to order a digital multi-meter for you. THey should be able to get you the same thing that Lowes has for about half the price. The digital meters are so cheap now that you might as well go with a digital. The analog meters work fine though. Try to get one that has an audible continuity indicator feature. This can be useful. If you want a real fancy one like the electricians use you can drop big bucks on a whiz-bang-do-everything-under-the-sun meter from a wholesale electronics supply store.
Radio Shack is a great place to get an affordable digital VOM meter. They have them in very resonable prices and are easily accurate enough.
I recommend a digital VOM, as most of them have high internal resistance(won't load the tested circuit). I would get one 2nd or 3rd from the cheapest available, as some dirt cheap ones are probably not so great (you get what you pay for...)
I agree with those who suggest a digital Volt-Ohm meter. Here is a link to those at Radio Shack (since you mentioned them).


The little yellow multimeter with the giant display looks easy to use and is only $19.95. I would not be afraid to use it to bias my tube amps.
It all depends upon the application. A DVM's perceived triple-digit accuracy can be misleading (unless you pay a lab to have the device calibrated annually) but few of us actually need that kind of accuracy anyway. And they do have some unique advantages, as noted by others.
I still prefer an analog mirrored scale Simpson 260, or a Triplett 630 for much troubleshooting work, although not inexpensive. An analog scale meter needle readily displays small variations that you'll not catch with a DVM; all you'll see there is a blurr of everchanging numbers. And ohm-ing semiconductor junctions, which is a breeze with an analog meter, becomes more confusing with a DVM.
For your tube biasing application I recommend getting an inexpensive analog scale meter; readily available from Radio Shack, etc. When you're tweaking those bias pots, the analog scale displays not only the absoulte value of your mA bias current, but you see how the tube is behaving with respect to stability. As tubes age & start becoming shakey, you can observe their instability much more readily with an analog scale vs. a the blurr of digital readout.
It's also handy having a budget model DVM on hand, & as they're now so inexpensive you might as well get yourself one of those as well while you're in the store.
And ensure your test leads have detachable alligator-clip ends, &/or use some separate clipleads, for those measurements when you can't or shouldn't be holding those probes (as in close proximity to those high plate voltages).
It is also useful to get a pair of probes that clamp onto the wires. This will free your hands to make adjustments on the trim pots and take notes. If the VOM has detachable leads, usually with banana plugs, you can get aftermarket probe replacements at an electronics shop.
Thanks everyone for your responses. Picked up the very basic yellow digital VOM at radio shack for $20 today & it works perfectly for my application.