Recommendation for very good inexpensive 35mm SLR.

I'm a student and would like to pursue photography. I would like to learn to use an SLR. Is there a good photography forum like a'gon.
and where can i buy good but used SLR's
Marakanetz: That's an excellent camera from the little I know about it. I have one of it's siblings. I'm afraid to talk to much photo with Albert lurking about. I think he shot more film last month than I have in the last 10 years.
Albert probably shot more film in the last week than all of us put together shot in the last 10 years! What's worse is he made money doing it and got a bunch of great audiophile toys out of it--met some really cool musicians... oh well you get the point. At any rate--Albert might have some good advice here (but it might be kind of liking asking Gayle Sanders what's a good $150 bookshelf speaker).
I have a whole Olympus system, 2 bodies and many lenses, etc.
The whole thing for $450. Great for student.
Good Luck,
Canon AE-1 is a good camera. Easy to find used. Alot of parts around. Good optics on lenses. Some have noisy shutters ("shutter squeak"), so you should inquire about that before buying.