Recommendation for tube preamp

Hi, all. Initially I was going to ask, which would you rather own – Audio Research LS2B or (BAT) VK-3i? But realized I’m sure there are plenty of other tube options. As you can gather, I’m looking at around $2000 range. It will be driving ML 27.5 amp, which is partly why I’m looking specifically at balanced options. But I guess there’s no harm in using unbalanced>balanced cables? I listen mostly to jazz on vinyl, so I enjoy the details but not to clinical levels where it’s dry. I want warmth. Fine with a phono stage included, but not needed.

Appreciate any insight. Thanks.


Ayre balanced preamp. I liked it. Had the BAT 3i. Unremarkable
Whoops.  Not tube.  Try Backert for affordable balanced.  

Thanks for the explanation, but I’m not sure I understand what a "passive equalization circuit" consists of.

It means resistors and capacitors. NO tubes, transistors, or integrated circuits that require a separate power rail to operate.


@jlbkmb1958  I’m not sure where you got the idea that a balanced phono stage requires solid state components - that’s the first time I’ve ever heard such an assertion. As already mentioned, there are examples of balanced tube phono stages with no solid-state components, and some have been around quite a while! What you will see, in some of those, is a Step-up Transformer to provide extra MC gain. That's another kind of passive component (inductor).

Get a used ARC REF 6.  A truly excellent tube pre, that in my system towered above the ARC LS28SE that I tested.  I skipped the preamp altogether with my MSB DAC direct to the amp, but then tried the LS28SE on loan.  A very slight improvement over DAC direct, but not nearly worth the price for that minor if any improvement.  Took a leap and went to a used REF 6.  Now that was the ticket.  It did everything significantly better than the LS28SE or DAC to amp.  It was a real and solid improvement.  Added a Shunyata Alpha v1 power cord and yet another step up.  In short, I highly recommend the ARC REF 6 — well worth the extra money over the LS28SE.

If you can get your hands on a Conrad Johnson CT5 you'll be very happy. Natural, gutsy, detailed. Great toe tapping sound. 

I used one for years and even after in-home trials of much more expensive CJ preamps didn't bother until I heard their Art88. 

Good luck!