Recommendation for a modern Duntech Sovereign 2001 replacement

After o.a. the Snells (Model A/II, B Minor), Vandys (2Ce sigII), Thiels (2.2, 3.6), I settled on Dunlavy (SC I, III, IV) and Duntech (Black Knight and Sovereign 2001). These all have 1st order xo and soft dome speakers (I have had plenty of other speakers).

I listen mostly to classical, Jazz and occasionally classic Rock. Must have superb mid range.

Looking for a modern version (closed box or electrostatic) which should be smaller and, very important, offers a higher WAF (which should not be difficult).

Any recommendations?


Showing 2 responses by jackd

Since your in the NYC area you might want to reach out to Carl at Nola in Brooklyn and see if you can visit the factory and look at the speakers from the KO Series 2 on up.  There should also be dealers in the immediate area.  Also the Devore Gibbon X also built in Brooklyn.  Both lines are attractive, reasonable weights and fairly easy amplifier loads.
Also worth a look is Verity Audio including the new Otello introduced at Axpona.