Recommendation for a highly resolving amp

I have Don Sachs 2 tube preamp driving Pass Labs X350.5 driving Sound Lab M545 ESL speakers. I like the sound very much, but when I went to hear my friend’s Spectral system (driving Quad2912 ESL) I realized my system can benefit from having a higher resolution amp. Spectral amps need all Spectral preamp/cabling, which would be quite expensive. What would you recommend?
@chungjh I knew that was how you had connected the X1 but how are you streaming. What is the software client that you use to play music on the connected X1. Knowing this can open up some options.
The biggest difference is in the preamplifier. The tube sound is darker, and the transistor sound has a higher micro dynamic density. So Spectral sound is more vivid. You can refer to this article to analyze your equipment.
You have a nice system, but I agree that the quality of your cabling does not match the level of your components - they’re creating a sonic bottleneck. Initially, I was going to go your route and try to spend minimally on cables - I hated the idea of spending significant $ for them. But over time I VERY reluctantly realized that cables that don’t measure up to the quality of the audio chain will leave the sonics seriously short of of their potential performance.

A few vendors allow for free home trial. Also buying used can save you significant $ and if you don’t like them you can resell them.

The Cable Company has a cable library you can try for a fee also.  May be the best way to dial in the sound YOU like.
Due to a renovation type project at my house, I had to opportunity to have my system setup at a friends house for a while.  The acoustics of our two rooms are very different and my system sounded very different at his house.

I don't understand how listening to two different systems in different rooms could be sufficient to determine which component in one of the systems needs to be upgraded for that system to sound more like the other.