Recommendation for a highly resolving amp

I have Don Sachs 2 tube preamp driving Pass Labs X350.5 driving Sound Lab M545 ESL speakers. I like the sound very much, but when I went to hear my friend’s Spectral system (driving Quad2912 ESL) I realized my system can benefit from having a higher resolution amp. Spectral amps need all Spectral preamp/cabling, which would be quite expensive. What would you recommend?

Showing 11 responses by yyzsantabarbara

@chungjh Are you streaming with Fibre into your Lumin X1. If not that would be the first thing I would do. Pretty simple and cheap to set this up with a Network switch that has Fibre outputs. This could make a big difference depending on the quality of your Ethernet setup.

Then try different amps.

@chungjh If I am not mistaken. You have big speakers in a small room. I believe I recommended in the past you use either acoustic paneling and /or contact Mitch Barnett at

to have him measure your room remotely and then have him create Convolution files for your ROON server. So when you stream from ROON to your X1 (before the DAC) your will have the sound optimized for your listening space. This is like using an old time Equalizer but today you do this in computer software.

Some very detailed amps I own or have owned, though I think chasing an amp is not worth it unless you have tamed your room first.

- Benchmark AHB2 (my favorite)
- LSA Voyager 350 GAN (after mods by EVS)
- various Brystons
- CODA #8 (not as detailed but close)

BTW - You replied that you tried Fibre Optic cable. That makes it sound like you tried it and switched to something else. This does not seem correct, because Fibre is so much better than the other connector types. I am not referring to TOSLINK optical cable but Fibre Optical cable.
I should add that I inserted a new acoustic panel to cover my CD rack and also moved the audio rack further away from the speaker. The audio rack is on the side wall of this very small room.

When I did this my 'old' Convolution filter no longer sounded good because the room measures differently. So I no longer use the old Convolution. If I were to use Convolution again I need to have the room re-measured and a new Convolution created. I am not planning to do this because my changes made the room sound good enough without the Convolution.
Your equipment is great. It’s the room that is the problem. Take your gear to your friend’s room and then see how it sounds. Or, spend and spend on equipment to no avail.
Sounds about right to me. 

The Convolution stuff I mentioned cost me $750 for the software service + $100 for a mic. I also repurposed a camera tripod for the mic. You do not need ROON to run this DSP filter. I mistakenly thought you ran ROON. Convolution also works with JRiver ($75)  and likely other streaming clients. This Convolution DSP is better than anything any hardware vendor stuffs into their preamps or other audio devices.

I did not know how to use the mic or do any measurement for my small room with big speakers. However, the instructions were clear and the guidance via email was also available. It was simple to generate that measurement data file and then send it to the audio engineer.

BTW - the Sim Audio 860 is a favorite of mine. A very neutral and clean sounding amp. Sort of like the AHB2.
I have an all Benchmark stack in my living room (with KEF LS50) and that is my favorite gear, DAC3B | LA4 | AHB2 x 2. I even owned the HPA4 before I sold it for a profit. So some poplar gear. However, I do not think the AHB2 would work as well with the OP's speakers. 

I have Thiel CS3,7s and while the Benchmark stack sounded very impressive with them there was some missing low end. The AHB2 stereo and mono do not play nice with 2 Ohm dips. It was easy to see this when I replaced the AHB2 with the KRELL K-300i, LSA Voyager 350 GAN, and the amp I settled on, the CODA #8. They all had better bass than the AHB2 on the Thiel CS3.7. On an easier to drive speaker the AHB2 would be what I would use in a heartbeat.
Benchmark told me that the AHB2 would work on my hard to drive speakers. they do work, officially in stereo mode (not officially on mono). However, working and being the very best is another matter. The AHB2 are not the best option on 2 Ohm speakers like mine.

That review of the Bryston 4B3 | Cambridge | and a single AHB2 is not an apples-to-apples comparison. A pair of AHB2 monos would have been the equivalent of the 4B3.

To me, the 4B3 does not sound as clean and fatigue free on top as the AHB2. I owned a lot of Bryston in the past, 3B-ST, 4B-SST, and  7B-SST but not the cubed line but have heard it and it has a bit of the old hardness than is not there on the AHB2.
I am using the CODA #8 and CODA 07x preamp with my Thiel CS3.7. It is an very satisfying sound. IT has good detail, lots of power for my speakers, and non-fatiguing. I did hear some increased clarity and resolution when I recently heard the CODA 07x and CODA #16 amp. The plan is to trade in the #8 for the #16. But it is not a pressing concern and I will take my time to do so. The #8 is a very good amp and the #16 is a great amp.

I think the #8 was not as clear and detailed as the Benchmark AHB2. However, I do not feel many amps are of that caliber. When I heard the #16 I was thinking the #16 was like the AHB2 in clarity but way more powerful with a bit more warmth that the AHB2. If I did not own the AHB2 I would have thought the #8 had a lot of detail.

I also love my CODA #8 paired with my Benchmark LA4 preamp. The amps and preamps from these 2 companies (in any combination) really appeal to me.

BTW - I am currently listening to my Thiel CS3.7 in my small room with the AHB2 + Topping pre90 ($599 preamp). I think it sounds real good when I am not playing too loud (most of the time). However, that bottom end is really not there with the AHB2 and Thiel CS3.7. My CODA 07x is in for repairs so I am using this combo until the 07x gets back. The Topping pre90 does not work with the CODA #8.
@chungjh I knew that was how you had connected the X1 but how are you streaming. What is the software client that you use to play music on the connected X1. Knowing this can open up some options.
@chungjh How are you streaming to your X1? Does Lumin provide a client? 

If you want to chase after more amps. I recently bought the LSA Voyager 350 GAN and had it modified ($500) by EVS and it was almost as clear and detailed as the AHB2 (maybe the same actually). In stock form it was not in the AHB2 class. However, the Voyager has a lot more power than the AHB2 and drove my Thiel CS3.7 easily. I sold it because I kept the CODA #8 which had a bit more bass but was not as detailed.

I still think your room is the issue and you can get the improvement you seek with the DSP approach. It is a much cheaper way to try instead of buying new gear.

BTW - @lancelock has the CODA #16 and just bought a CODA 07x which he may post his thoughts on.
You will hate the AHB2 if you love the luscious sound of the PASS. You will have more details for sure out of the silent AHB2 but not luscious,
@chungjh I think the AHB2 is the best sounding amp I own or have owned. Now I am likely in a tiny select minority when I say this but I know what I like. No need for me to describe it since you will hear it for yourself soon.

I have my downstairs system as follows AHB2 mono| LA4 | DAC3B | KEF LS50s. The KEF LS50s get replaced by the Yamaha NS5000 once my 5 year old son becomes a bit bigger and I can clear up some of his toys.

The AHB2 system was not good enough for my hard to drive Thiel CS3.7 (2 Ohm dips) so I moved the Benchmark gear downstairs to the living room from my office. A single AHB2 in stereo is actually officially rated for 2 Ohm but the monos are not. They both can go down to that region but not with the power that I felt was needed for the CS3.7. So when Benchmark guys say that the AHB2 will work in 2 Ohm they are correct, but I am talking about he degree of goodness.

I have the CODA #8 and it is likely a less warm PASS, but more similar. It works great with my Thiel CS3.7. Recently I heard the CODA #16 with the same CODA 07x preamp I have at home. I was very impressed by the #16. It had the clarity of the AHB2 and also some warmth. So that amp maybe my next top amp. I will upgrade my #8 to the #16 when finances permit.