Recom. for a new CD/DVD?

I currently have a Sony DVP9000es and I am thinking og getting a new CD/DVD player. I only have the room for one so I need a great player that does both. I was thinking of possibly the Classe dvd1 or the Cary D3. I am currently using the Classe CA-151 amp and Classe ssp-25 pre/processor and B&W N804 with Purist audio colossus cables and Custom power cord power block and power cables.
I'd go for the Muse Model 9 Signature with Progressive Scan output option. For some reason, Muse just doesn't hold it's resale value, so buying it used you should be able to get a good price (around $2K?). It's an awesome player for both music and movies. I own one, so I'm experienced with it and biased about it, and share your same goal - a one-box solution to both problems while getting great performance.
I was also thinking of doing a mod to the Sony DVP9000es?
But, which one? Is it worth the cost or just invest in another player? Any feedback appreciated.
Just purchased the Philips DVD963SA with 192/24 CD oversampling and SACD. $ 430 home delivered. Sounds better than the Meridian 500/566 24bit DAC purchased @ $ 3000 that is replacing. After serious comparison testing, disconnected and switched off the Meridian. As far as I am concerned Sony and Philips supply equipment at reasonable price that sounds a lot better than the over priced "high-end" "high-price" brands. The Philips now drives Mark Levinson and Martin Logan.

"The Philips now drives Mark Levinson and Martin Logan."

Let's hear more...
Well not much to say. CD comparison to the Meridian combo is extended low frequencies, the high end has lost a bit of harshness and is more "sweet". With sweet do not mean coloration or a sound that is more pleasent to my hears. It is closer to live performance. I could not notice much difference in the mid-band. Presentation, field depth, localization of instruments and voices are more present, i.e brought a bit forward adding more sense of live performance. Resolution is enhanced, with instrument details available where could not hear before. I have no comparison with other SACDs so cannot say much, I compared Bocelli CD with SACD, no drammatic differences but a sense of musicality not present in the CD and of course more extended low and high and minute details not audible in the CD. However you need to have a top notch system to dig out the advantages of SACD reproduction. It must be said that the mastering is probably not specifically done for SACD so there is probably some tuning at recording level that will allow a better differential between the two standards. I have only had the Philips for two days now and the sound is still changing a bit.
Should you have specific questions, ask will try to answer the best I can
