Recom. for a new CD/DVD?

I currently have a Sony DVP9000es and I am thinking og getting a new CD/DVD player. I only have the room for one so I need a great player that does both. I was thinking of possibly the Classe dvd1 or the Cary D3. I am currently using the Classe CA-151 amp and Classe ssp-25 pre/processor and B&W N804 with Purist audio colossus cables and Custom power cord power block and power cables.

Showing 2 responses by amal


"The Philips now drives Mark Levinson and Martin Logan."

Let's hear more...

Thanks a million for your detailed posting. I was in hibernation. (They really should provide Internet access on planes these days!)

I'm glad to see you are enjoying your 963. Here's another one for you. Did you have a chance to compare yours with SACD-1000 or better yet Sony XA777ES? Where do you rank your machine amongst these contenders?

I was dangerously close to buying a cheap Chinese SACD player (either the Xindak SCD-2 or the Shanling T200, both have Tube output stage) but backed off in the last minute in favour of proven technology. Now contemplating between the SACD-1000 and XA777ES. Any advise??
