Just purchased the Philips DVD963SA with 192/24 CD oversampling and SACD. $ 430 home delivered. Sounds better than the Meridian 500/566 24bit DAC purchased @ $ 3000 that is replacing. After serious comparison testing, disconnected and switched off the Meridian. As far as I am concerned Sony and Philips supply equipment at reasonable price that sounds a lot better than the over priced "high-end" "high-price" brands. The Philips now drives Mark Levinson and Martin Logan.
Recom. for a new CD/DVD?
I currently have a Sony DVP9000es and I am thinking og getting a new CD/DVD player. I only have the room for one so I need a great player that does both. I was thinking of possibly the Classe dvd1 or the Cary D3. I am currently using the Classe CA-151 amp and Classe ssp-25 pre/processor and B&W N804 with Purist audio colossus cables and Custom power cord power block and power cables.