Recent experience with Gershman Avant Garde


I'm considering a pair of Gershman RX-20's. They have glowing reviews from the 2000's, but can anyone give more recent reviews?

Thank you,

Showing 1 response by williewonka

Bill, I currently own a pair of Gershman Sonogram speakers.

When I was auditioning the Sonograms I also tried the RX-20 at the very same dealer in the same system, but did not really hear anything to cause me to part with the extra cash they commanded.

The model that did peak my interest was the Gap 828, which sounded more transparent than the RX-20 and the Sonograms, but the price was way over my budget, so I settled for the Sonograms.

So after 5 years with the Sonograms I am now totally satisfied with them and I am no longer trying find a better speaker.

Since my purchase I have made numerous cable upgrades that allow the Sonograms to really show their superb dynamics, imaging and clarity. They respond very well to great cables.

They are also one of the most "invisible" speakers I have listened to.

The only speaker that has bested the Sonograms by a significant margin so far is a pair of Avangarde $35k.

 If I were looking right now,  I think I would be tempted by the Gap 828

Take a look at this thread ...

I also agree with the poster of the thread in that their Customer Service leaves a little to be desired - that is if you have reason to call them.

It took them 4-5 weeks to replace a faulty bass driver, which they said was damaged by me. after some "debate" they conceded the unit was faulty and they replaced it FOC.

The Sonograms have been fine ever since.

Hope that helps