
What symptoms would tell you that your amplifier needs to be recapped? 

Then do you recap only the main caps or all the electrolytic capacitors?

I know 30 years is about the time you need to do that upgrade but use also plays a role in that 30 year date.

Showing 1 response by glennewdick

After recapping and a few other things of a few vintage items I find the difference can be big depending on the type of caps and how old they are.
one example is My Sansui CA-2000 Pre amp. before the restoration it worked fine the sound was warm, full, 3d and a little rolled off typical of what many say vintage sounds like. After the restore the overly warm sound was now neutral, better bass extension and detail, much bigger 3d sound stage and the detail level increased substantially specifically the decay of notes. I feel it went from an ok typical vintage piece to a very nice modern sounding preamp.

I highly recommend a restore on 30-35+ year vintage items. Also recommend replacing the older style speaker binding posts and RCA connectors more for convenience and reliability then sound.

of course this depends on what the vintage item is but I think anything old can benefit from a restore.

I do not follow the "if it ant broke don't touch it" mentality that's just asking for trouble....would you get on an airplane if the company's maintenance policy was don't fix it until its broken?