Real Stinkers

There was a recent thread about consecutive great albums by your favorite artists. How about turning it on it's head? What is the WORST album by your FAVORITE artist. The one where they REALLY stunk up the joint? The one that it pained you to listen to? The one where everybody went "What were they thinking?"

I'll start off, at the risk of picking a fight - Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboys by Elton John. Except for "Someone Saved My Life Tonight", I never really cared for the rest of the album.
Rickie Lee Jones, Live At Red Rock -- inexplicably crappy sound from someone whose records have always seemed to be made with care. I don't even know if the interpretations are any good... the sonics are so annoying.
Folks, I'll give it another shot. I listened to it the next day after the concert and the live feel simply wasn't there -- the cd sounded stuffy so the music sounded boring. I'll try cleaning it with some of the cd fluid I got from Music Direct and will submit my report tomorrow. Again, I love Bela Fleck and loved the concert -- that's why this cd was very disappointing.
Vapor Trails by rush would be my vote. Has to be the poorest recording I've heard among bands that usually submit stellar recordings.
Bela Fleck "Live Art" -- heard them live and loved them then I bought the cd and it had no live feel and was just kind of boring.
Also, Chick Corea "Childrens Songs" -- I just never connected with the music.
Fun topic. Happy New Year Everyone!
I kinda gave up on picking up any new Bela albums after Left of Cool so I've never heard Outbound. I know the band changed composition, but that didn't necessarily mean they had to change musical direction as well. Anyway I stand by Left of Cool out of ignorance of later releases I guess.
Cowboy Junkies "Open" was a big disappointment to me and I'm a big Junkies fan. I love all the rest of their albums. No Cheers on this one. Craig
Great question...I'll have to give it some thought...but in a little broader overall thought:.. It seems, to me, that many artists that I have enjoyed through the years turn out 2 or 3 great albums...then downhill from there.
I've always enjoyed the music of the Talking Heads and David Byrnes's solo efforts. However, I was very disappointed in his lastest release after 4 years: Look into the Eyeball.

I find, Look into the Eyeball lacks the creative energy, passion, and rhythm of David Byrne's previous releases.
Ivanj, I could say "Anything by Eagles" but they're not my FAVOURITE artists as the author mentioned.
Neil young Road rock DVDA.......not so much the music...but the sound quality...sounds like a tin can....worse than average redbook cd quality sound....Don't know what the producer was thinking about.
Anything by King Crimson after the "Discipline" band's trio of recordings. Fripp needs a new direction with a new group. Get a sax player at least, Bob.
I'd disagree with Left of Cool and substitute Outbound. Left of Cool was the first disc without Howard and represents fundamentally a different band. Outbound had too many guests and lacked focus. The new double disc is going to be great though, the new stuff came off great live.
Paul Simon - You're The One

Sappy and dull. Sounds like he was forced to write songs under a time crunch. Poor attempts at humor. I listened several times (hoping it would grow on me) and then threw it away.
Chris Rea "Watersign" the first and probably the WORST one.
Santana's "Supernatural" -- Welcome to pop and commercial, Carlos!
Seems much harder to pick the worst than the best due to the very painful amout of time required for a proper comparison. At the very beginning of time spent with an old girlfriend, she touted Henry Gross like he was the second coming. Oh, I just hadda hear "Show Me to the Stage". Maybe not the worst LP, but surely the most disappointing.
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