Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?

Audioholics will be doing another video on this at 4pm (I assume Eastern), today. Rather than comment on it after the fact, some here might want to jump into the live comments thread? Anyway, in case that’s you, here’s the link:

Old chestnuts never die, they just return in the Eternal Cycle of Re-roasting....

Showing 2 responses by russ69

Back to zip cord I guess...All my zip cord sounds zippy? My smooth solid copper cables sound solid and smooth. I guess I'm fooling myself but if I can fool myself every time I turn on my system, I guess it's working, bring me more of it! 
Did I get the video right? The Kimber cable capacitance is 5 times the other cables but he says, that's not so important but the Kimber measures the best, then says to be sure to use Kimber 8TC like I do? I guess my take-away is he likes Kimber 8TC, uses it in his system, recommends it...but all cable sounds the same? Am I confused?