RCA versus XLR interconnects

For short distances (less than 3 ft) which is better, RCA or XLR for interconnects (source to preamp and preamp to amp)?  I know the XLR's are balanced but it seems like that only helps with longer distances.   


Showing 2 responses by newbee

XLR cables are not balanced. Your components are balanced (or not) and the XLR cables are used to connect them. At three feet lengths I doubt most folks could tell the difference IF the wire used in them was the same. Personally I like XLR cables connectors, they don't pull out accidentally which can cause pops and blow out speakers.

ghdprentice, Pedantic, perhaps, but some manufacturers put xlr inputs and outputs on components which are not truly balanced. Merely attaching xlr cables to them does not make a balanced circuit. For edification you might google Balanced (XLR) and Unbalanced (cinch)connections by Christiaan Punter owner of HIFI Advise. At the risk of adding redundancy to pedantic, the difference between a 1 meter cable will, except in rare circumstances,  be differences in the effect of the connectors and wires used. Both of which would IMHO dwarf any differences caused by the noise isolation benefits of an balanced XLR cable. Your turn. :-)