RCA LC-1 Special?

Hello all,

I aquired some old speakers a little bit ago and recently discovered that they might be quite valuable.
The are RCA Type LC-1 Special, Extended Range, MI-11411-BX
I have done some research and am a little familiar with the LC1-a,b and c’s, but I can’t find anything on the BX.
I’ve taken lots of photos, but it looks like I can’t post them here.

Any ideas of what I’ve got here? thanks in advance!
Value 1500-2500 cabinet is worthless and adds no value  cool driver you would be hard pressed to find better sound for 1500-2500 plus they may increase in value I collect restore loudspeakers and have a soft spot for RCA MI kit so my values are close. I have a fairly large RCA collection most of what is considered the best stuff  FYI at this time collector markets are taking a hit. Values may drop in the near term.
Some more info, that might be interesting. 
you'll see in the photos that under the magnet cover, you'll see what I'm assuming to be a crossover with a handwritten number. 

I think these must have come from a studio or church or some other of professional setting as there is a 70v transformer installed inside the box. 

They actually sound pretty nice. strong mid range, super warm sounding. I think they might need to be supplemented with a tweeter for modern music, or maybe change or adjust the crossover (if that is possible) but when I put on some John Coltrane, it all made sense, they sounded fantastic.  
Okay, I'm Back :) a moderator accidentally removed this post. 

@whart, thanks for your response! I went took your advice and created a Flickr account so I could share photos. 

@james_edward, I hope these are what you are looking for! however, these are are not in the beautiful consoles I've see in photos. the drivers  are housed in looks to be a home built box. 

Here is a link to the Flicker album I just created

I'm happy to take any additional photos, or provide any additonal info that may help. I'm really interested to learn some history on these speakers.

@jaytron77 Why Can't you post them on our site?
Oh you have got to be kidding? I have been looking FOREVER for these exact speakers. How much do you want? I can do Home Depot, Lowe’s, gift cards, etc. How does 5,000 dollars sound?
I don't have an answer but two people who think very highly of the speaker and have far more knowledge about them than me are Jonathan Weiss at Oswald Mill and the redoubtable Robin Wyatt, both in NY metro area. I'm sure they would be happy to talk to you.

Audiogon, as far as I know, doesn't support photos. You have to use a free photo server, like Flickr or other platform to host them, then link to them here. 
I'll watch this thread with interest. I'll bet there are some cognoscenti here who can help as well. 
Cool score.