Raven celeste competitors/alternatives

Lately I've been fixated on The Raven nighthawk/Celeste combo for $7k-ish price.
There may be better systems to build from used sales here, but I'm fearful I would spend the money and not get great sound or  synergy in the system [who wants to help:-) ] I've never had tubes before, so I'm  toying with the idea of getting a raven nighthawk.  To do so, I would have to get rid of my current speakers. The raven celeste would be an obvious consideration on my budget (my current speaks are revel f208), but I'm not crazy about the looks of the celeste, and I have a small living room so other options exist. I'd appreciate input on the celeste or alternatives to consider that will work with everything from industrial, rock, and 80's to female vocalists and jazz funk?  Just curious and dreaming at the moment. No urgent deadline to pull the trigger but soon enough that I don't blow my tax return elsewhere may be a good idea. Lol. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by sfar

Because they are so heavy those handles are needed to be able to safely pick them up. If you own one you'll appreciate them.
I haven't heard the Celeste so can't comment on them. I have a Raven Blackhawk LE with Reference 3A MM de Capo i speakers on the matching stands in a small living room and couldn't be happier. I, too, listen to a very wide range of music, everything except full-scale orchestral works, and the de Capos work extremely well. I've owned several dozen  combinations of amp and speakers over 50 years of serious listening and this is the most satisfying. 
I don't have a sub with the Blackhawk and de Capos and have never felt the need for one but my listening space is fairly small. There is some information about their frequency response in the Stereophile review but my affection for them is based on listening to them compared to other speakers I've owned in the same general price range from Merlin, Devore, Nola, ProAc and others.
I don't find it necessary to let the Blackhawk warm up before I begin listening but perhaps I'm not as analytical a listener as some.
I agree with artemus_5 about trying a Raven Blackhawk or Nighthawk with your Revel's, especially since Raven offers an in-home trial. If you switched out both at once you'd always wonder whether it was the amp or the speakers making the difference. Call or write Raven with your questions, I've found Dave Thomson to be extremely approachable and helpful.
I suspect if most people returned the Raven amp after the home trial Raven Audio would no longer be offering the trial.