Rank the tweaks, geeks!

How would you rank the general importance of the following gear (not room or electrical) tweaks. You can use your own setup and experience as your basis. If you tried something and it didn't matter, put it in a separate paragraph at the bottom with "didn't matter" next to it. If it doesn't apply to your setup, just don't include it on your list.

speaker wires
speaker isolation
cable risers
component isolation
tube dampers
power cords for amps
power cords for preamps
power cords for other compnents
better capacitors (where?)
better fuses (where?)

Did I leave out an important tweak? Please add in as you see fit.

Think it's all snake oil and voodoo? Go watch some TV or take a walk and let folks on the thread have their fun. Because this is a hobby.

If you think that "everything matters" but are willing to go beyond that and suggest what would be the best first step toward doing something, please list the best first things to do. A "to do agenda" rather than a "priority list."
My take: 

speaker wires..
went from tempo electric solid core silver to SR atmosphere x level 3 on my Martin Logans and it chilled out the highs, reducing fatigue and opening up the stage..

speaker isolation…
added isoacoustic Gaia feet to my logans.. it helped define the bass notes on strings as well as cleaning up and separating notes as well

went from full loom of tempo Electric silver rca to SR xlrs with ground cables on all. This lowered the noise floor as well as added more separation and depth, mostly on live recordings 

cable risers

component isolation..
Added SR tranquility bases and pods to preamp, dac, server, amp, and even under my turntable. The turntable is also on a symposium ultra platform. They all helped but ill say that while the symposium stand allows me to hear my table as it should be, the most shocking improvement was the tranquility pod under the table. I aslo have the SR record mat and weight and pht on the table and i feel like the pod supercharged those.. 

tube dampers
did not care for them 

power cords for amps
i have em, cant really remember much except lower noise floor

power cords for preamps
same as amps

power cords for other compnents
I had a bluesound in my system and added a nice wireworld cable and it made a noticeable difference 
better capacitors (where?)
better fuses (where?)
i put seven or eight in my magtech amp and  it is a ridiculously amazing change 
I have a tube buffer passive preamp and upgraded to Mundorf oil caps.  Really like the sound.

Amp, preamp, streamer, DAC all have twisted pair power cords.  

Ethernet cable to streamer

Meticulous speaker placement.

Next up is isolation.  I can't afford Townsend podiums for speakers.  Isoacoustics, Herbie's are being considered.
Ive tried a bunch and you truly want to hear a differance and possibly its a placebo effect but the two tweeks I done and without a doubt knew it was better was changing out the patch cable 5e from my Router/gateway to my streamer Node2I to a Linkup Cat8 22guage for $34. then I would say I did notice an improvment when I made a DIY Mogami speaker cable it definitely had a more refined sound and I want to say the IFI acPurifier does help outside of that I had high hopes for others like iso acoustics solation pads , interconnects and a few others and it didn't really blow my skirt up. Im a huge believer in putting some money in the source streamer- upstream , Garbage in Garbage out . Im thinking about getting liner power supplies for my router and my streamer now and possibly a galvanic isolator for the ethernet  , maybe something was wrong with my old 5e patch all along who knows , Im moving on. 1 absolute must is acoustics , I wrapped my entire room with a track curtain that has sound deadening material and that without a doubt is the best thing you can do to remove echos and get more detail from your current setup. 
raulwebster Piped in at 3.45 am Zero Gravity chair and cannabis. I’ll assume both were in use. Late night dude!

Raulwebster’s comment hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. I’m taking about the chair. Spot on. My chair is so-so. 

Also would like a class trip to the Millercarbon joint. Like wow.