Raidho TD4.2

Do you own the Raidho TD4.2 ?  Have you spent time listening to this speaker?  I am considering buying this speaker.  Very pricey!  What do you think about this speaker's sound and performance?

Showing 2 responses by stickman451

Thanks for the info.  I am definitely going to listen to the TD4.2 and also the Borresen Z5.  There’s a great Borresen dealer near Chicago that has all of the new models.  I may fly up for an audition.   I haven’t found a Raidho dealer that has a pair of TD4.2’s on the floor.  Still looking.
Well, I do have plenty of listening room!  My room is 29’-10” long by 22’-9” wide by 11 ‘ high.

It’s a dedicated room so I have a lot of leeway on where I can position speakers and also where I can sit.  I like a BIG sound and that’s one reason why I’m using Magnepan 20.7’s.  But, they have to work really hard to attempt to fill the large space.  I’m not unhappy with the 20’s but I still like the idea of having a “final” dynamic box speaker.

I like the sound of the larger Raidho speakers and I will want to compare them to the new Borresen speakers.