R2R next? Don't like ESS

Can you recommend a good 'starter' R2R dac?  I've been through a number of ESS Sabre dacs and they're not for me.  IMO, they lack a certain transparency that I'm after.  Point of reference:   The *only* dac that I've heard that is decent to my ears is a 10yr old Maverick Audio D3 w/ Sparkos OpAmp swap.  *This* was great.  Alas, I sold it because I thought I could do better with something newer.  

Geshelli's offerings have piqued my interest - the J3 in particular - but it's an ESS chip.  Wondering if I should make the jump to something R2R - Denafrips, Broder Patrol..  thoughts?


@jfrmusic Switched from the Benchmark DAC3 with ESS to the MSB Discrete DAC R2R. Difference is night and day. Smooth, liquid analog like. No Digital characteristics. 

Yep, me too. Great specs on the BM DAC3B.  Totally un-engaging for me.  Was quite surprised. Was jumping out of my skin to get back to a good R2R dac, even a simple R2R chip dac. Ahh, much better, music came back.  

High-end Gustards are worth a look. R26 for R2R and A26 for AKM AK4499EX. I have three A26 for an active crossover setup. They invested in post-chip discrete analog output stages. Also separate power supplies for digital and analog sections. It also is its own streamer. 

As I have repeatedly said in several posts on many forums,  IT IS NOT THE CHIP IT IS THE OUTPUT STAGE and implementation and power supply that makes the biggest difference in sound . My current dac converting one's and zeros to music by ess 9038 pro and I haven't heard any denafrips doing it better yet...

+1, "IT IS NOT THE CHIP. IT IS THE OUTPUT STAGE, its implementation and power supply that makes the biggest difference in sound".    

And, of course, all your other components, your room and environment that makes for great sound quality.    

@carousel I agree.  An R26 might be found used. There's one on US Audio Mart for $1000, but they might take less.  I recently upgraded to a Gustard X-30 and I'm very happy with it.  I haven't heard the A26, but I'm sure it's nice. 

@iseland +1.  My new dac has four ESS9039SPRO chips. It sounds pretty great, IMO.