"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"

I'd appreciate some advice from those experienced with great speakers. I'm hoping that this thread will be valuable to lots of others, as well.

On to my question: What are the best value speakers you can buy on the used market in the $5k-$10k price range? I think it's time to get into something world-class for music, and I've found that in each area of life or hobby, there are gems available that might not carry the most popular brand name - or be the latest fashion - but that do deliver the best performance for the money.

I'd appreciate recommendations from any resident speaker gurus. Thank you!
Verity Audio Parsifal Encore/Ovations. Of course this is just my opinion. I'm sure you will get as many different suggestions as there are speakers in this price range. :)
Eggleston Andra-II go on sale for $7K-$10K and having owned them they are
both world class and truly full-range. I never played my pair super loud but
they can be used that way if you're one of the Krazy people out there.

B&W 802 Diamonds are also pretty great by most accounts.

Something by Sonus Faber would make music (Amati Homage).

Aerial Acoustics makes some terrific speakers (7T).
Revel speakers are highly regarded.
needless to say you want a very clean amplifier with 100 honest to goodness watts per channel to mate with a very good quality speaker system.
Thanks, guys. My room is about 20'x20' - and right now I have a great JBL Synthesis system that's circa 2000 or so, with their S800 and S5160 amps. I was going to use those amps to begin with, and then upgrade as necessary to optimize for speakers.
What amplifier will you use? This will help those who offer advice.As Ricred1 pointed out, room size is an important factor. It's hard to discuss speakers without knowing those two variables.
I have owned the Talon-X Series 2 since 2003, and without a doubt, these transducers deliver. Considering what they retailed for and what they now resale for on the used market,I cannot see how anyone could be disappointed from the money to performance perspective. A gem indeed...
It would be helpful if you provided your room dimensions. What are your priorities?