"Last" system puzzle piece - Tube amp option

My reference system is pretty much done except for wanting to have another amplifier option. Currently using and very much enjoying a GamuT D200i with a Shindo Vosne-Romanee to drive Verity Amadis speakers. Sources are a Well Tempered Versalex (though an Auditorium 23 T2 SUT), Basis Signature 2500 (through a Nagra VPS), Technics 1500 R2R, dCS Puccini & U-Clock, and Kenwood L-01T FM tuner. ICs are Auditorium 23. Speaker cable is Wireworld Silver Eclipse 6. Power conditioning is via a Running Springs Haley. I made the "mistake" of auditioning the Nagra VPA monoblocks. In a word - WOW! But before I consider buying such expensive amplification to alternate with the GamuT, I was hoping to learn about other tube amplifier options that any of you know or believe I should consider. I listen mostly to classical, jazz, blues, and vocals, and I do like to listen at moderate and above levels. The GamuT does an excellent job, but I am smitten with the VPAs and hence my interest in a tube amplifier option. I would like to keep the cost under $20K and I prefer to buy new electronics. Many thanks in advance for all comments and suggestions!


Showing 4 responses by phaelon

The only speakers that I’ve really liked the VPAs paired with were by Verity (Fidelios and Parsifals), so you might have found the right amplifier right off the bat.
All of my VPA experience was at a friend’s audio dealership. When he began to represent Nagra, we hooked the VPAs up to virtually every speaker he had in stock. Besides Verity, these included Sonus Faber, JM Labs Utopia, Avantgarde, Merlin, Reference MM de Capo and a couple others that escape me.

I’m sure this is completely subjective but, until I heard them with the Verity’s, I was having difficulty getting emotionally involved with the music, finding the VPAs to be too antiseptic. This is all going a while back. In fact, the VPAs had just been launched, so it might be a different amplifier today.
Steve - For what it’s worth, I recall also liking the BAT tube monoblocks with the Veritys.
Steven - It’s been too many years since I've heard them for me to make meaningful comparisons. BAT has a new statement amplifier called the “Rex” that might be worth consideration if you you’re concerned about power. Going the other way, an amplifier that I heard at a recent Axpona, that made a great impression with me, is the Purity Audio PSE300b parallel SET. I wouldn’t have mentioned it, but I read somewhere that Verity claims 18W/ch. is sufficient.

Since you’re planning on buying new, and none of these amps are cheap, I trust that you will insist on taking home a demo model for extended auditioning with your equipment in your room.