Quobuz subscription

Hi I've recently joined Quobuz to try-out few tracks. 

The ones released on 70's and 80's Japanese jazz vinyls sound really muffled. Thought they would sound better vs. YouTube streaming channel of Terminal Passage that actually mostly plays its digitized vinyl collection, but quality is too far away from even YouTube.

I checked the quality and all of them are CD 44.1kHz, but the sound quality is so far away from CD 44.1kHz.

So what's there to check? Is only major-popular recording industry albums sound good there.

I checked that via my Mytek DAC and via my cheap DAC and both DACs show nearly-same differences on the playback vs. YouTube.

So far Tidal actually gets my best grading on items outside of RR hall of fame or outside of recording industry standards.

It really seems to me that Quobuz is over-advertised.



Showing 4 responses by audphile1

@czarivey what album/tracks are you referring to? And yes I agree some albums sound better on Tidal and some albums are only available on Tidal.

@czarivey so I compared Qobuz to Tidal using the  “Finger Dancin” track off the “Man with the guitar” album. Tidal version does sound a but more open and fuller than Qobuz version and makes it seem like Qobuz is slightly duller. The difference is audible. Although isn’t really my cup o’ tea, that track is pretty cool. I don’t know what the CD sounds like but it almost makes me think that a good amount of compression was used in the recording process itself. But like I said, I have nothing to compare it to in a form of original CD or vinyl, so I could be wrong 

Qobuz 24/192 example - Burn to Shine by Ben Harper

Tidal MQA 352.8 example - Clique by Patricia Barber. 
If you’re not seeing anything over 96 on Qobuz then either your dac/streamer combo is downsampling it or something is wrong with your set up.