Quite a few Bricasti M21 DACs for sale cheap

Retail $16000, now available for $8k-10k. 

I thought they were well regarded. At least its predecessor the M1 was (Stereophile Class A+) and the M21 is supposedly a step up.  I was poised to get one. I'm on pause now.


Showing 8 responses by audphile1

@tvad would you say the M21 and M1S2 delta sigma DAC are more or less identical or is the difference is obvious? I’m looking to try either the 21 or the S2. Not in rush and can wait until I’m ready to swing for the 21. Thanks!

Looking to go from M3 to M1S2. I don’t think I care for the new blue display and on top of it I just turn all of the displays off anyway. 
Did Joe mention any sonic improvements with the new MDX board?

That is what Joe told me as well when I expressed interest to update the MDx1.09 on M3 to the latest. I didn’t pursue it further as I trust Joe knows what he’s talking about.

I think even the M3 has a one bit DSD converter which is selected by switching to NDSD option. That’s native DSD. You can toggle between it and the PCM. Or may be it’s implemented differently in M21. 

Actually Bricasti doesn’t recommend upsampling before the DAC. I believe it’s in the manual. They’re of the opinion that the DAC sounds best when fed the original bitrate. I tried upsampling to DSD using Lumin U1 Mini and the built in network card as a roon end point using roon dsp. In both cases I preferred the sound when feeding the M3 the original bitrate.