Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.

Upgradeitis is setting in. I am wondering what I should consider first: speakers, amp, power cable or other?
Where’s the weak link?

Current setup:

Amp: Line Magnetic LM805ia (SET) with NOS tubes

Cables: Power: Shunyata Venom V10 NR, RCA: Cardas Golden Presence and Duelund. speaker cables: Shunyata Anaconda, Ethernet: Supra Cat 8, Tone audio EtherREGEN, DS220J Synology DS220+ NAS, 3x dedicated power lines (10ga)

Speakers: Tannoy Turnberry, DEBRA sub-array utilizing 2x SA1000 amplifiers

Streamer/DAC: Lumin S1, Shunyata Etron Alpha Digital power cord

I’ve been eyeballing the Tekton Moabs, but I’d rather not expend the energy/time/money if they are not a whole lot better than my Tannoy’s. Does anyone have experience with both Tannoy and Tekton? If so, are Moabs a worthwhile change, or stick with what I have? The other thing I wonder is if Moabs are ok for my 15x20 room with an 8ft ceiling?



Showing 2 responses by lalitk

+1, mapman.
Tannoy and Tektons....two very different speakers. Nothing against Tektons but I will never trade my Tannoy’s for anything out there let alone for Tektons :-)

BTW, you have a very nice system. Well balanced but if you’re feeling bored then maybe play with another line of cables. 

I would call GIK Acoustics for advise on room treatments. They are great to work with and very reasonable compare to the competition.  My entire room treatments were under $1500...I am set for life :-)