Question for Paradigm Studio 100 owners ...

I'm having some trouble getting the proper amount of bass from my 100v.2 speakers. A fellow inmate at the Asylum suggested moving them out from the rear wall. I was wondering if any of you have experienced increased bass from your Studio 100 or similar speaker after moving them away from the rear wall? Also, how far from the wall did you have to move them to get optimum sound? Any other suggestions re: speaker placement of the Studio 100s would be appreciated. Have a great holiday and thanks for the responses.

John B

Showing 1 response by ozzy62

Getting more bass from any speaker in any room does not always mean siting it close to the wall behind it. The room mode that reinforces bass is where the speaker (and yourself) needs to be. This will take some patience and legwork on your part to find out where it is. In my room it is 6-7 ft. from the front wall, with me approx. 10 ft. from the plane of the speakers. Putting the speakers 2-3 ft. from the wall results in LESS bass. Before you start doing the "equipment shuffle", you need to play around with placement. And don't be afraid to go against conventional wisdom.
