Question about Mesa Baron

I have a Baron I bought a while ago. It is a stock model--it does not have the tri-tube mod. I haven't used it for a while, but was thinking of putting it into a second system. I would like to try EL34s in it. According to the owners manual, you can run EL34s in a stock Baron. To be safe, I called Mesa. The guy I talked to there seemed surprised that you could run EL34s in a stock Baron, but after I referred him to the manual, he reluctantly agreed that you could apparently do it. He did recommend against it, though, because it wouldn't sound right--too forward and aggressive, like someone shouting at you (his words).
Anybody ever try EL34s in a stock Baron? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by hackmaster

A stock Baron cannot take EL34's - but you can have Mesa upgrade the Baron for you to accept EL34's.