Quality step-down converter for Sugden A21SE 220V to 110V

Might send my older integrated to New Zealand with a friend.  Need converter suggestions.  No external voltage slider switch.  If there is an internal one, I’ve missed it.  Need direction for quality name in converters for such a nice piece.

Compressed time frame here, so please no suggestions of a tech converting it internally unless you know one in Boise, Idaho immediately.  Thanks 


Showing 1 response by carlsbad

Not an easy problem.  Most transformers you see available commercially are pretty poor not to menation most hum audibly enough to be heard from the listening position.  I did use a step up transformer successfully to test an amp (I have 240v at my stereo stand but wanted to test something else).  it worked and sounded almost as good.  a bit of advice, overisze your transformer,  use at least 2kw, preferably 5kw.  A commercial transformer has a high output impedence which limits the amp.  Better would be to get a power regenerator from PS audio and put it downsstream of the transformer....it has almost zero output impedence.  I asked them if they made one that went 120 to 240 or vice versa and the kid on the phone gave me a bs answer why it couldn't be done.

good luck,
