Quality of Cables When Bi-Amping

Currently I have a Bi wire setup using golden reference speaker cables from MC501’s to Lawrence Audio Double Bass speakers. Do i need the same quality cables when i bi-amp or can i use spare 18 gauge wires?
@roddyboy  proof is in the pudding.  Try two pairs of the suggested 12 gauge cables and bi-amp with them. Listen for a few weeks.  Then swap back in your better CGR cables on the high-end or low-end amp, and compare first hand. Results can vary one person's system to the next. 

If you truly cannot hear a difference within your system, you could keep the two pairs of lower cost 12 gauge and sell off the other pair of CGR cables to a willing buyer.  Feel free to send a private message when you put those CGR cables up for sale :)  
This sounds good! Haven't made a move yet because i'm weighing whether quality cables for $$$$$ vs comments about 12 gauge cables. Stilling doing the research but please continue to give feedback because i'd like to experiment soon...
raysmtb1 - You are doing it right with 12 ga. speaker cables. Not going to get much better than that unless you go with silver. Glad to see some people DO understand bi-amping.
I have bi-amped for years. Mc275 on top mc501 bottoms. I couldn’t tell the difference between expensive speaker cables and 12 gauge speaker wire. So I went with a 12 gauge speaker wire Ed put the extra money towards a better dac. 
If you are going to do bi-amp correctly, you need good quality cables (all). I can't speak for Golden Reference, but the lower the resistance the better. I think I've mentioned that I'm a silver over copper guy. NO 18 gauge please.

@roddyboy  The reason I’m sharing this is I’m currently right in the process of going back and testing and re-evaluating some NOS Golden Reference cables myself for other purposes. I’m comparing them to some newer ohno occ cable designs I use a my primary cable setup. And, intermixing with interconnects. The older design and materials of the GR cables has a particular signature sound to it. If you like it, other cables are not going to give you the same result, tone, texture, or overall presentation You could either match what you have now and secure another pair, or sell what you have now and start over and buy two new pairs of something else in matched form as another option.

Its not worth training for a marathon, running the race, and falling down 50 feet from the finish line and stopping there :)
It's a no name brand 18 gauge wiring, and i agree with what your saying.. i guess i was looking for that sliver of light that would sway me from not having to pay additional dollars if i didn't have too.. 

You might be able to answer your own question. Someone made the investment in these particular Lawrence Audio speakers (orig retail of $28.5k, some used under 8k now days), and made the investment in Golden Reference speaker cables so far (not cheap), right?

Those are fairly sophisticated speakers. Not just something you throw some wire on.  Unless you are simply testing to try something out for fun, why would you not eventually use comparable speaker cabling to what you have now for bi-amping. Using some "spare 18-gauge wires" isn't adding up. Is it spool wire from a hardware store, or speaker cabling. Share more of the story here to get better advice.