Qobuz vs. Tidal

Greetings to all,

I'm sure this has been asked before. Which do you prefer and why? Qobuz customer service is worse than terrible. Is Tidal CS any better? 

What about selection? 

Thank you!


Showing 1 response by toddnlg


I am in the same boat right now.  I use the Innuos Sense app for my streamer and the Qobuz app direct from my phone, when using my simple music bar and through from connections music will pause and stop playing.  The music selection to find a decent playlist is less than desirable. I found not to bother with any QB playlists. Does Tidal have stations?  I hate to say this, but I find myself going back to Pandora for variety and for free. QB customer service response a day later.  My last email about the music cutting out has gone unanswered.