Qobuz vs. Tidal

Greetings to all,

I'm sure this has been asked before. Which do you prefer and why? Qobuz customer service is worse than terrible. Is Tidal CS any better? 

What about selection? 

Thank you!


Showing 1 response by heatrate

I currently have Qobuz annual and Tidal on a 30 day trial. April 10th Tidal is lowering it's price where the 2 services are competitive. I stream through a Node and modded Node 2i using the coax pass through to my Anthem receiver and Peachtree integrate which both have superior DACs.

It's fairly easy to A/B between the streaming services and I find Qobuz to sound better on same songs.The interface with Tidal is better and I wish Qobuz had the very convenient Tidal Connect feature. They both sound good through Android Auto on my car. In the end SQ trumps features. I will be re-upping with Qobux.