Qobuz Users Update?

the service in the USA has been out a few months now. initial posters on this site commented on good sound quality in hi rez but a limited catalogue. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical. Would anyone who has been a user from the get go please comment on your experience? I've been a Tidal guy for years and am fairly satisfied. Thanks to anyone taking the time to comment

Showing 6 responses by lalitk

Qobuz has the best SQ among all the streaming services. As far as catalog goes, it really depends on each user preferences. I am currently subscribed to both Tidal and Qobuz.
No issues with streaming Tidal or Qobuz through my iPhone when I am traveling. 

+1, david_ten. 

I don’t know how someone can possibly rate Tidal CD SQ as 5/10. 
+1, uberwaltz.

i am waiting on Qobuz to catch up before I drop Tidal. With Qobuz streaming hi-res, MQA is no longer a ‘X’ factor.  

I just returned from a road trip, no issues streaming from Qobuz or Tidal iOS apps.
IMO, MQA is no longer relevant. You can now stream high resolution files from Qobuz and that’s pretty much ends any ongoing debate about MQA merits.

I am glad that we now have a choice and one doesn’t need to pursue or depend on MQA compatible hardware (DAC’s). 

Nuff said....Case closed!


As I reported earlier, I’ve experienced zero dropouts with Qobuz or Tidal from my cellular service (Verizon). If you’re experiencing drop outs that’s probably due to limited bandwidth or coverage of your cellular provider. It wouldn’t be wise to make ‘absolute’ statements like “you will have Qobuz drop out” 😉

I can understand your somewhat ‘biased’ preference for Tidal (half price subscription). I don’t want to get into any MQA debate here, please continue to enjoy your favorite tunes on Tidal.