Qobuz Users Update?

the service in the USA has been out a few months now. initial posters on this site commented on good sound quality in hi rez but a limited catalogue. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical. Would anyone who has been a user from the get go please comment on your experience? I've been a Tidal guy for years and am fairly satisfied. Thanks to anyone taking the time to comment

Showing 3 responses by gdnrbob

I have been using Quobuz for 5 months and have dropped Tidal and Spotify.
The most complete catalog seems to be Spotify. Though, Quobuz is pretty close- In fact, better than Tidal in the Classical genre.
As for Jazz, I listen to mostly early Jazz and have no problems finding what I want.
I think there are still a few bugs in the Quobuz app. I know the Android app is giving me some issues.