Qobuz Skipping or Short Pauses

We have a Bluesound using BluOS. Signal path is AVM 90 to Bluesound to Denafrips Venus using coax. Qobuz skips or short pauses in all masters. Very annoying. Any ideas to correct this problems  wi fi is solid to about 250 mgbs.




Showing 1 response by wsrrsw

If none of the above works then router? If possible ditch Wi-Fi. Additionally at times all internet connections hiccup. Is your power 100%?

I’m in a black hole for internet reception and finally got Starlink. It’s software shows all the things using the internet, some hard wired and some Wi-Fi. Eighteen is the tally!

I also use Qoboz and last night it stuttered and skipped back a few tracks. A first after two plus years.