Qobuz or Tidal?

Qobuz or Tidal? And why?

Aurender, good DAC, no MQA. US.

Showing 1 response by bondmanp

So, I recently tried and subscribed to Qobuz.  I can easily stump it with what I thought should have been titles in the Qobuz library.  But there is a lot of there there.  The one HUGE, GLARING OMISSION, however is the lack of a radio-style option available on just about every other free or paid streaming service in the world.  I mean, WTF?  The user playlists are just okay, but it takes a while to find one I want to hear.  I will stick with Qobuz, because it is still a good value proposition, but seriously, they need a random or radio function.  I find that such functions are the best way to discover new music.