Thank you for all your thoughtful comments so far. I look forward to seeing additional great insights.
It seems as thought, although I do not have much experience in this area as I listen to little new music other than later relases of jazz, prog rock, and classic rock/pop artists, that not all remasterings are equal in sound quality. Again, after hearing various Qobuz versions of DM's Construction Time Again, how much difference there is sound-wise between a high-resolution file and a later standard resolution remastering of the same title. The difference in sound was staggering in favor of the late remastering, period.
I personally have not compared versions of Tidal and Qobuz as I did not feel it necessary to pay the difference in monthly subscriptions. However, I did have Amazon HD and its sound quality was vastly inferior compared to Qobuz to the point I cancelled my AHD subscription.
At one point I had thousands of LPs but my desire to avoid the difficulties and complexities of vinyl playback led me to the ease and convenience of streaming digital files. While I have little personal experience in ripping CDs to a HDD I have little doubt in the reported experiences in others who follow this endeavor. Maybe at a future date I might try this path.
Thank you again for your responses.