Qobuz hell

Ending a subscription with qobuz turned out to be hell. I did it two weeks ago only to find out that my account is still active and I am still being charged. I contacted qobuz yesterday and the first response was from a bot saying at 9AM they will be back online tomorrow. Which is actually today, so when I got online to figure out what happened, I received the rudest, most useless responses and then ending the chat by the agent. So as of now, I am unable to cancel my subscription - I don't want to use it, pay for it etc. I found it mediocre anyway.


I have no doubt I will spend many hours trying to cancel it in the coming days and get horrible treatment.


Showing 1 response by lucmichaud1

I have been a Qobuz subsciber since their beginning in France. Hi Res was is still is audibly better than cd quality. I used Slimdevices transporter and now  Aurender NH100  which ties in to Qobuz nicely.  I also bougnt many hi res albums (over 100) . The hard drive version used to sound a bit better, but now with clean ethernet the difference in gone. 

I had Spotify for its suggestion algorithm, then got the songs from Qobuz. Big difference in SQ. I cancelled Spotify to protest their disinformation endorsment and moved to Apple music., much improved since 5 years ago. Better suggestion algorithm, covers all languages and styles, not 80s biased like Tidal. (I think MQA is not convincing and doomed). 

Cancelling any subscription on the web is a pain. Everything is done to make you fumble and forget a little detail. Qobuz should do better on this.