
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.

Showing 4 responses by hgeifman

@usery,  As a Qobuz beta tester, please report all your comments and suggestions to Qobuz.  Thanks.  

Everyone needs to report their finding to Qobuz. 

I have already reported that my Aurender N10 needs an Qobuz API so they can sort my favorite albums into artist sequence.   And, another API so my Aurender can create a tab so I can select 24/96 coded albums and 24/192 coded albums. Qobuz reports these are on the list but no time frames.  

My Roon friends report they already can sort albums and have filters for hi-res selection. 
@ejr1953, Unfortunately, I cannot explain why Qobuz does not run on your Windows 10 Pro Computer App. Obviously, something is wrong.

Please send an email to Qobuz Customer Support and describe the issue, the hardware being used, Operating System, etc. They should be able to determine the issue and work with you to get it resolved. Their email address is support-help@qobuz.com.

As you noted, you are moving to a Roon Nucleus Plus box so we will see how Qobuz runs on that computer. Qobuz should run on these computers so please contact them ASAP if you have ANY operational issues.

I have reported other Qobuz issues and they usually respond within 24-48 hours with a solution or other information.
@cleeds,  I was streaming Qobuz and the sound quality was poor and I was getting dropouts.  I called my Cable Company and they said the cable signal needs to be in a certain frequency signal range and my signal was LOWER than it should be (meaning it was out of the required operating range).   

In any case, the service person arrived and adjusted the cable signal so that it was in the correct frequency range.  Since he was here, and very knowledgeable and helpful, I asked him to check EVERYTHING.   He said my outside junction box was corroded and replaced it.  He then checked the outside cable amplifier and it also needed to be adjusted.  He also replaced my inside cable wiring and completely rewired my outside cable junction box.  He then tested everything and said I was good to go.  I immediately tested my Qobuz streaming and it was great.  

The cable signal being out of frequency range is nothing you can check for.   When I called my Cable Company complaining about streaming sound quality, etc. the person reported my cable frequency was out of the required frequency range and it needed to be adjusted.    Does this answer your question?   

My advice is if you are having streaming sound quality issues and dropouts, you need to ask your Cable Company to check these components.  

I was a beta tester for Qobuz and like it very much.  Its album selection is acceptable and you can always find something to listen to.  I especially like their hi-res albums.  I dropped Tidal streaming since I was always listening to Qobuz.

Qobuz has 575 available playlists and they are terrific. For example, listen to Prestige 70 Jazz classics for 70 handpicked jazz tracks.  Many of them are in the hi-res format.  This Qobuz jazz playlist is 7 hours and 38 minutes long. This makes listening to music very easy.  Enjoy.  

On my Aurender, I go to the playlist tab and look for Qobuz playlists that I like.  The Aurender Conductor App has a search option that is very useful to find interesting playlists.  You are also able to mark your favorites for future listening.

I am still waiting for Qobuz to complete their API so that my Aurender Conductor App will provide sort by artists, etc.  An estimated completion date is to be determined.  My best guess is maybe sometime late this year (I hope). 

Qobuz sound quality is excellent and I recommend it.  Qobuz customer support is excellent and they usually respond to my questions in 24 hours. 

I have also stated in other posts that all streaming services require your cable company components, router, modem, cables, etc. to be working 100% of the time.  Your Internet signal needs to be in the correct range (My cable signal was out of range) and provide a solid signal. Your cable company can confirm everything is operating with the correct specs.  Some times streaming sound quality issues mean one, or more, of these parts need repair.  

If you are unable to find your favorite artists, please send your album requests to Qobuz to add your artists.