q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
Are there any Q3 owners who would like to contribute to this thread? What do you think of the reviews and do the reviewers' findings match your own? Did you consider Tidal speakers when deciding on the Q3?
I knew Magico, Tidal, YG (for that matter) would come into a discussion at one time or another, to be expected eventually.

I'd sure hate to be a reviewer in this heat.
I think Jeff Fritz is respected around here. It was a well-written and thoughtful review. I don't understand your point.
I have Q3 now for several weeks. I think the description of Q3's sound in Ultra Audio is very accurate especially regarding absence of distortion/coloration, tranparency and the bass. Never heard any speaker with clean, highly detailed bass like Q3 before except in Q5. I only heard Tidal once but in a rather poorly setup room so it would not be fair to compare. I am not sure if I would stick out my neck and say that it is the best speakers under $50,000 since I have not heard them all under good conditions but of those I heard, I prefer Q3 over the quite a bit more expensive Rockport,Wilson, YG Kipod, and Lumen White speakers for sure.
i heard both the tidal piano and magico Q3 in the munich show for a few days.to me the tidals are overated. like 'ACK' said- another mdf with accuton drivers.there are many companies with the same stuff, what is the big deal? they sounded bright with no soul, and noisy.
the q3 were a better speakers, with more musicallity.
i read mr. fritz's reviews- he likes everything and nothing at the same time.not very reliable reviewer.
some pepole chase the last fashion(tidal?), not the real substance of sound.
ciro71, with maestro, i think you are on a good way to sound heavan!excellent choice.
If it matters, I've heard the Q3 once at its introduction, and when I read Jeff's review I thought it was exactly spot on - that is, up to the point where he compares it with the Tidal, which I haven't heard, therefore can't judge that part of the review; although I have heard other MDF/Accuton speakers, albeit not with Mundorf-based crossovers.

I also thought that the Q3 was a completely different beast than the V3 and now also *musical* unlike the V3. But these are just my opinions like everyone else's. If I were not totally annoyed by the price increase, I would have probably bought the Q3s, and certainly can't spend tens of thousands of dollars on MDF.

When it comes to MDF, I'll just say this: I am glad my reasonably-priced furniture is real cherry and walnut, and would never care for MDF furniture no matter how cheap it might be, much less if it were expensive.
Try the UK price of £35,000 - currently ~$56,0000. Not sure of the price here on the Continent.
I see in this months TAS that the price of the Q3's is 38900 and the Q5's is 65K
Thanks Focalfan ......
After trying them for 10 days in my environment and decided to take .....
The focal MAESTRO... I am very happy with my choice ..
I was interested in magic q3, but the pricing policy of non-magical
I like ..... only a few months ago it cost 33,000 euros in Italy right now ......
already cost $ 40,000 ....... it seems to me an exaggeration.
>>Whow what a cool thread!!
Not so cool for the Tidal bullies who are trying to end it, apparently...

If and when there will be a Q2, I do not think it will be as efficient as the Q3. I have heard the Q3 last week on a Nagra VPA monoblocks. A real shocker. Who said you can't run a Magico on a 50W tube amp?? Glorious is the word that comes to mind. Need to reorganize my belief system...
usermanual, not"tidal bullies", more like tidal girls.they get angry when somebody does not like their doll.
in europe,tidalspeakers is average, maximum!
maybe in the usa, people think it is"exotic made in germany".but it is average design ,under average sound in a pretty box. i think more tidals will be for sale soon.
magico q3 is not so pretty ,but sound very real!
Hey, I am not trying to be a bully. I just appreciate a little irony, especially funny irony, when it comes along. The OP for this thread looked at Tidal's and Magico's and then after reading all the praises of both, along with the considerable Tidal bashing, decided to go with Focal. And at the expense of both Tidal and Magico I thought it was funny. He made an excellent choice and I am sure will be very happy.

Yes, I am an unapologetic Tidal owner. Some of you may think I am a fool. If so, then I am a very happy fool. I love the sound of Tidal speakers. I did listen to Magico V2 speakers last year. The way they transmitted detail is impressive and very seductive but not what I was looking for on an ongoing basis. I will be the first to admit that Magico speakers are an engineering tour de force. But, quite simply, I prefer the way Tidal speakers present music.

Finally I do find it odd that the same 3 or 4 posters bash Tidal speakers at every opportunity they can find. No bashing of other speakers, just praises for Magico, some for Focal, and bashing of Tidal. I hope readers see through this. If I was the owner of Magico I'd be a little uncomfortable with some of you on my team.
I do not know if your jokes are referring to me ......
However, the focal MAESTRO are on the same level of magic and
tidal ....... but having had the opportunity to try the home
MAESTRO, and the ability to take a demo ..... or focal preferred ....
The Q3 were high on my list, but see a speaker that a month
first costs 33,000 euros, and after a while already cost $ 40,000
Euro ....... well I do think .....
However I am very happy with focal superb .... a diffuser, and also
very nice aesthetically.
Hello ciro.
Focalfan writes:
but it is average design ,under average sound in a pretty box
We certainly hear things differently.

It looks like this thread is going the way of almost every thread here and elsewhere. There is no consensus. I suppose this should be expected as we have different tastes, listening opportunities range from awful to great, and associate electronics varies. This is what has been unusual about the Tidal thread. Mostly it has been rah rah!
Ciro71, There may be a language issue but let me assure you that I was not making jokes about you. I know that you spent much time,research and thought in making your choice. I congratulate you and am sure you will be very happy.

Thank you very much .... very kind Bostonbean ....

ps ... or tried to post a video of my system, but did not succeed ....... give me a help?
Thanks Cyrus.
To the Tidal gang - We get it! You like your speakers and your team is the best!! Now can you please move over and stop hijacking this thread!!!
One last word to Tbg, since he insist in hanging around here. Do not kid yourself, not all Tidal owners are happy. It is only better manners that some people have over others that prevents them for gushing out and ruining others parties.
"Wow! Quite ballsy. Refreshing. Can't wait to see what the Tidal guys have to say..."

Usermanual, Appears you are the one who gleefully hijacked this thread. Dare I say it...how ironic!

That's it for me. I'm moving on.
"Bostonbean : Finally I do find it odd that the same 3 or 4 posters bash Tidal speakers at every opportunity they can find. No bashing of other speakers, just praises for Magico, some for Focal, and bashing of Tidal. I hope readers see through this."

>> CLEARLY >>childish and filled with animosity, wonder their agenda. LOL!
Bostonbean - I apologized and explained almost 40 posts ago... Now can we move on??

//////////////////08-14-11: Usermanual
not all Tidal owners are happy. It is only better manners that some people have over others that prevents them for gushing out and ruining others parties//////////

disclaimer I have never heard any of tidal speakers(yet), nor i have any other comercial interest, but i have more than 3 "ex-tidal"owners history- the description of exact sonic flaws and final moovement to very strange "upgrade" speaekers (all very diferent) tells me that the somewhere outside theese forums discusions lies the truth.
Don't know if the response from Peterayer was for me, but my "point" was I wouldn't like being a reviewer in such a "touchy" area as this, it had nothing to do with Jeff Fritz being well respected or thoughtful.

You can easily see how half these threads on A-gon end up in the UFC cage, esp. when you enter this super hi-end foray.
I am very interested in any input anyone has on driving the Q3 with low power tube amps? What I heard with the Nagra was rather special, but that was a limited experience...
Heard Q3 with VIVA tube amp and preamp wonderful open speakers still not broken in all the way.They are magical souning Q3 best i have heard i have MAGICO MINI 2 they are still wonderful the Q3 is the best speaker under $50K.
Hi Rx8man,

I meant no offense. These can be "touchy" areas and things often get quite personal. I understand your point but I think these reviewers are well aware of the environment in which their reviews are seen, discussed and often scrutinized. It can get kind of hot. Given the internet and forums such as these, there is now much more back and forth. I find it fun and often quite informative. I would hope that the reviewers enjoy the increased responses that the reviews generate.
I think Q3 certainly can be matched with lower power amplifier but it certainly will benefit from more power as well but not quite to the same degree as Q5. Soulution 710 120w certainly will drive it very very loud in medium size room. However, like V3 and Q5 (to a lesser degree), it can benefit from a bit more power. On my Lamm M2.2, I have 2 options, high gain mode with 220W in 8 ohms, 440w in 4 ohms or low gain mode with 220W in 4 ohms with more bias into class A. Generally Lamm recommends using low gain mode for any speakers with 1-6 ohms impedance. At least with Q3, I prefer using Lamm in high gain mode as dynamic and bass does improve quite a bit. Not that I discourage low output amps as I think the midrange/treble would be very special with low power tube amp but there may be some trade off as well.
ok, finally heard the magico 3 again ,in a collegues friend home
last week. system with soulution stereo,preamp and cd player. cables are all echole obssesion(my favorites!).
room is nice , not too big, and some treatment.
sound---very clean, very accurate but with body in the mids and good punch in the bass. tweeter is also very good.
i like the g.u em sound more but magico is very nice for the money. better then many other more expensive speaekrs for sure.