PWB Electronics

I rather thought our most prolific and obtuse poster on this forum pretty much had cornered the market on this sort of snake oil, but then PWB Electronics emerged into my world today.  I am apt to think the whole website is a hoax, but then our man seems to make bank on selling the same sort of hookum, with virtually 100% happy customers.  I will let you decide the efficacy of their product line.  Checking out their price list is the easiest way to get to the bottom line.

Showing 3 responses by whitestix

My favorite rock song by far is The Who's "Don't Get Fooled Again" and you cleverly riffed on it.  You are a very witty guy.  
I guess I will take the taunt, "man up", and order their free samples, after which I will report back my observations.   However, I must do this surreptitiously as my most sensible audio friends still rib me years after my foolish trials of pricey bricks to place on my electronics, silly cavitated dots affixed around my room, and -- the worst of all, the $150 fuses than needed to inserted in the proper manner for optimum results.  All were a total bust.  
Yeah, I did too.  GK got to me on this particular tweak.   My impressions of these tweaks, and hopefully yours, will be shared on this thread.