Putting your components inbetween your speakers.

Would like to know if there is any truth about putting your components inbetween your speakers will affect the imaging other than an amp between the speakers on the floor.
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Showing 5 responses by erik_squires

@han_n No, this is just a test, but diffusers are different than absorbers, and this is mostly an absorber tets. :)

My last tip: Your imaging improves in the dimension you improve room treatment. If you want more depth, deal with thigns behind the speakers and behind your head. More height? fix the ceiling and floor. More width? Sides.


Also, kind of like physical therapy, you can make up deficiencies in one area by improving another. There is no absolute answer to how to put gear in your home.

As a _rough_ example, filling corners with dampening materials may somewhat make up for excess reflections in the middle of the wall.


Well, my point was not that you should go to TJ Maxx and buy more blankets. :) My point was to use your own ears to listen and experiment. If YOU can’t hear a difference, doesn’t matter what I think. Why ask others to tell you what you can hear? :)

If you are worried, cover your gear with a blanket and then listen! Usually the biggest culprits are big TV’s and bit flat entertainment center surfaces. The less, the better. Will 2 pieces of gear matter to you? I do not know, but the best way to find out is by experimenting. Also, the advice is free and takes minutes to set up... so, try it! :)

Even if you have nothing in between, trying this experiment can help you realize the value of comprehensive acoustic treatment.


Yes. It is true.

It's not just the imaging but the overall timbre as well.

I really think all audiophiles should do two things in their lifetimes:

1 - Build a pair of speakers
2 - Throw a bunch of pillows and blankets around their speakers on the floor. Behind and between them.

Try it and listen for yourself, you'll hear a lot of things change for the better. Of course, this is not necessarily a permanent solution, but it will show you how important that area is, and how tonal balance can be affected by indirect, diffused reflections just as much as direct reflections.
