Putting weights on speakers?

IME, putting 20 lb ankle weights on my 150 lb speakers greatly tightened and improved the bass and sound overall. Only problem is that the wife hates it... 

Showing 6 responses by mglik

Wow, I actually thought of putting more weight on them.
It seems the speaker weight is very significant. Wish I had a dedicated audio room but we both listen and enjoy. I just put on the Mad Max soundtrack and after about 5 minutes Nina ran in from another part of the house and demanded I take it off. I don’t blame her. WAF has always been a factor to consider. Especially since she is pretty agreeable to my spending thousands on my “addiction”.
But, mostly, she comes to quickly appreciate and enjoy. I do still love it when she comes over and picks up the record cover to read!
Just discovered a 8.75 lb vest plate at Rougefittness.com
they are sold in pairs and are black. $56 a pair. I am buying 4 pair for $225. Considering my speakers are $33k, not a big deal. So, would increase the weight from 20 lbs to 36 lbs and have good WAF!
I am using Tetra 606s. It is especially convenient that they are open baffle on the mid and tweeter and have a separate bass cabinet behind. So I am able to put the weight on the back of the speaker. Much nicer than putting weights on the top of a regular speaker.
But maybe I can find a weight that is more attractive than an ankle weight to increase the amount of weight.
Hi millercarbon,
Thanks for the thoughtful post.
The original design of the Tetra 606 had exactly what you suggest with struts going from the speaker top to the bass cabinet.
I admire your deep knowledge and application in your posts and, certainly, your system. I see the very nice concrete block under your TT. Very attractive. Think the Rouge Fitness vest plates will do the job of mass loading nicely. They are almost exactly the right dimensions. 4 plates would only be 1 inch and 4/16ths and they are black. Have you thought of mass loading your speakers? My speaker designer didn’t like it when I told him but did respect my ears.
Up date,
I took 20 lbs off each speaker leaving 33 lbs on each. The bass is more complex and still tightened. Works better with less weight.
The extra 20 lbs deadened the bass too much!
I now have put 53 pounds on each speaker.
They are OB on the mids  and tweeters. And have a back enclosure for the woofers. So I am able to just put weight on the woofers however I notice increased clarity on all frequencies. Especially tightening up the lower ones. And the imaging is much better. I would highly recommend weights on speakers. For WAF Rougefitness.com sells pairs of black vest plate weights for $56. I bought and am using 4 pair, 4 on each speaker.
But increase from 33 pounds (8.75 lbs each plate) to 53 lbs is a great increase in clarity. I hear no down side to the extra weight. The additional 20 pounds come from 20 lb ankle weights. They spoil the WAF but since they are in back hope the wife does not notice!