So, it does not matters an all tube can’t mate those 3 phonolinepreamp targets. Today the best you can do for 10K is to go with SS.This statement is based on three anecdotal examples. This is a logical fallacy called 'Guilt by Association', wherein because the particular phono stages didn't have accurate RIAA curves and were tube, therefore all preamps with tubes have inaccurate RIAA curves. Like any logical fallacy, this idea is false due to a flaw in the logic.
One valuable bit of test equipment is an inverse RIAA curve which quickly and easily allows one to test and see that the curve in a phono section is accurate. One valuable bit of math are the formulae presented to the AES by Dr. Stanley Lipshitz regarding how to generate RIAA equalization networks. If the latter is used in design, and the former used when testing that design, you can create a phono section with accurate RIAA equalization and it will be seen that whether its tube or solid state is completely irrelevant.