Hi Everyone,
There are many different grades of silver and many different gauges of silver. Pure silver has a shorter molecule distance then pure copper which makes it faster and more accurate in terms of sound quality.
Pure silver is actually smoother sounding and slightly more laid-back sounding then pure copper. The biggest issue is that there are lots of cable manufacturers representing 99% pure silver when the wire actually has a very small percentage of pure silver with an alloy coating over top of the silver. This is creating a cataract type of affect to the cable. This is much worse sounding than pure copper.
I have listened to many cables that were supposed to be pure silver and then had a metallurgy check the cable to find out that it had a very small percentage of silver. Pure silver is indeed the best sounding and the most expensive cable to build. If you're looking for accuracy, inner detail, better sound staging and a more realistic sounding system then IMHO 100% pure silver is your cable.
Robert Neill