Hi Brad,
I have the Syncrony ones and am using them with tubes. Im currently employing a Conrad Johnson Classic SE preamp and a CJ MV 60 SE amp. I'm very happy with the way they sound through tubes.
I was using them with solid state gear, Parasound A21 and P3. At first it was very nice, but the syncrony ones are a very detailed speaker, and can tend to sound slightly hot in the upper most frequencies, (my) solid state gear over emphasized that for the worse.
I started by eliminating the P3 and replaced it with the Classic SE. This was a welcome improvement, the soundstage became wider, and sounded more organic to me (natural), not spot lit, which sounds processed through a circuit. As a result I was able to listen to a wider variety of music and not just the studio marvels that will sound amazing on just about anything. I kept the A21 for awhile, but the improvment I heard from the CJ preamp had me thinking about how everything would sound through tubes...
Eventually I found the CJ MV-60 SE and haven't looked back at my solid state gear, not even to compare. At first I thought I traded detail for a more forgiving sound, but on the contrary there is more detail and in all the right places, the (midrange). Soundstaging is also much more expansive. At 60 watts a channel its plenty for the ones. Comparing it to the A21 @ 500 watts driven into 4 ohms, I'll take the 60 CJ watts. Yes there is less bass, less punch and I can no longer bring the walls down or the police.
In the end we are all music lovers and for me musicality trumps analytics, picking apart a song is not for me, musicality and ease without fatigue are necessary to enjoy one of the best things in life (music). .