PSB Stratus Silver i vs. new Image/Imagine series?

Hi all ... looking for an inexpensive tower-type speaker to replace dead Vandy 2s for 2-channel HT setup. I've found a pair of Stratus Silver i for around $500. Do any of the new PSBs compare in quality at a similar price point?

I don't need a lot of speaker here, just something reasonably neutral, not overly bright with a little bass. There is always the option of spending money on the Vandys too, but I've had them for about 20 years and thought something "different" might be worth a try.

The Silvers are really nice but huge and heavy. Shipping will set you back a bunch. Personally, I like the mini's best of the stratus lineup. If you can live with less bass, you will get better imaging and a lot less bulk.
T55 is from the old Image series which has recently been replaced in its entirety with complete redesigns similar in technology to the new Synchrony and Imagine series. The comparable new Image models are the T5 and T6. I have a trio of T6s in shipment to me and I am looking forward to them. More news anon.

The PSB Stratus Silver i are very nice speakers regardless of age. When fed with a nice source and amp they sound amazing. I heard them about 9 years ago at a audio show, when they were paired with a pair of Krell mono-blocks and a CD player I don't remember. The sound was simply amazing. I would probably prefer them over the Image series. I heard the image series in Bay Area. The dealer was also having Totem and NAD audio. I believe I demoed the T55. Though the Image series is nice, the Silver i would be a better speaker.