PSB Gold i vs. Soliloquy 6.3 vs Hales...

Please post your opinions on PSB Gold-i, Soliloquy 6.3, Hales Revelation 3, Paradigm Reference 100v2, and Meadowlark Heron-i , as to the following criteria;
Accuracy, Dynamics, Sound Stage, & Bass Extension, and please pick the Best Overall in this group for listening to a wide range of music.
Much thanks in advance to all!
I totally agree with Martice and Daniel. I would add that the Rev. threes performance, especially soundstage and dynamics, depends a lot on the power and the quality of the amp. Even with low power i find the Hales to be more accurate/natural than the paradigms and psb's. Hales had the largest stage, but the psb's were in a small room, and paradigm speakers don't come with a soundstage. The 100v2s of course had the most bass, but i can't recall the relative extension of the three different speakers (not something i really pay attention to). There are so many aspects of accuracy that i'm not sure what specifically to comment on, but I find that the Hales are profoundly smoother, coherent, refined, musical and natural than the paradigms. The psb's are in between somwhere. I own the Hales, so you could say i'm biased. But i bought them after auditioning the other two.
I have the PSB Goldi's and they are a little heavier in the bottom region than the Hales and the mid range is absolutely
marvelous for a full range speaker in this price range. The Hales is a little more refined than the PSB Goldi's and have a more even sonic picture IMHO. I've never heard the Soliloquy product.
I own Hales Rev 3, CC, Rev1 and they are very revealing and dynamic. They not only come alive but the soundstage is wide, open and very engaging in both two channel and home theater. I've had them hooked up with varies gears from Sonic frontiers SFCD1, Power 2, and Line 2, to various processors such as Theta Nova, Lexicon MC1, DC1, Meridian 565, along with several different HT amps, Aragon 8008x3, 8008bb, Ead Powermaster 2k, ATI, Cinepro 3k6 mkII, Cinenova. Not once was I disappointed in the performance of the speakers. However, system component matching is very important. I've listed to them in two different audio shops and they sounded downright horrible. Are they the best, absolutely not. But pound for pound and dollar for dollar, they are very well built, not the greatest looking, but musically very satisfying in my opinion. Let your ears be the judge of that. I've no experience with the other two brands.
PSB's real revealing,Hales not dynamic,Paradigm and Meadowlark's are heavey in the bass,but the Solilquy's are just right! In my opinion of course.